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The Mission

My desire is to help you make your current writing project a polished finished work, ready for publishing!


Copy Editing & Proofreading

Books, blogs, papers, menus, etc

This service encompasses both the grammar and content of your writing. I will give input on how to communicate your message batter and correct any technical errors

Proofreading Only

Books, blogs, papers, menus, etc

This only addresses the grammatical errors of your writing, including spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation.

Editorial Assessments

Books, blogs, papers, newsletters, etc

With this service, I will only read through your writing. Nothing will be corrected, but I will give feedback for both areas of improvement and my overall thoughts. This allows you to decide if further action (editing and proofreading) are needed.

Self Publishing Assistance

Books, anthologies, etc

Using the Kindle Direct program by Amazon, I can assist in the self publishing process. The software allows for both physical copies and e-books. Ask for more details!

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